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Sujet: fcdb problems
Réponses: 5   Pages: 1   Dernier Message: 18 avr. 2002 07:14 par: KiKo »

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fcdb problems
Publié: 16 avr. 2002 11:03
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Thanks for making the editor. However it would be grate if the you can help to solve the following problems (which are posted in some other forums) with the editor

1. 32-bit kits do not show up in the 3D view
2. when ever u change the teams names, when you load it the second time after saving u will have this error:
"Violation d'acces a l'adresse 004e3b48..." but the prog still work but not all the teams loaded
3. after opening fcdb_???.dbi database with fcdb XP, if I do any change or even If I don't... when I save the database and I reload it. The new database is bugged.
4. when i try to change ppls hair color or facial hair, it freezes

Hope these are all of them. Please help to solve them.


Re: fcdb problems
Publié: 16 avr. 2002 12:15
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I have the same probs, the proggy seems to be a unfinished beta?

Plz cre8 a new version, otherwise FEd will rock the scene.


Re: fcdb problems
Publié: 17 avr. 2002 12:05
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I have the same pb. "violation d'accès ...." the second time I open de data base.

j'ai le même problème de violation ! c'est vraiment domage car cela au rait pu être le concurrent de FED2002.

Pour quand le fix?

Re: fcdb problems
Publié: 17 avr. 2002 12:56
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Hey U FFT guys, why dont U reply our questionz?

THX. KiKo.

Re: fcdb problems
Publié: 17 avr. 2002 16:05
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Yeah they told us all to come here from SG forums, then when we do, they dont answer us anyway!

Re: fcdb problems
Publié: 18 avr. 2002 07:14
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God bless Chau, I hope he'll really release FEd on Saturady. FCDB XP sux.
