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Sujet: Ports à ouvrir pour TA
Réponses: 3   Pages: 1   Dernier Message: 2 janv. 2006 20:29 par: phidias2052

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Messages: 178
Inscrit: 28/09/24
Ports à ouvrir pour TA
Publié: 2 janv. 2006 15:21
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'Lut à tous

Le petit nouveau dans le foyer est un routeur NetGear
J'aimerais savoir quels ports TCP ouvrir pour pouvoir voir les parties dans la salle de guerre

Merci :p


Messages: 1 599
Inscrit: 28/09/24
Re: Ports à ouvrir pour TA
Publié: 2 janv. 2006 16:10
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extrait de

Configuring a router for playing TA online

You need to set it to route packets from ports
2300-2400 (TCP/UDP inbound/outbound [for TA]),
28800-29000 (same setting [for TA]) and
47624 (TCP inbound/outbound [for TA])

2300-2400 (TCP/UDP inbound/outbound [for TA]), 28800-29000 (same setting [for TA])
and 47624 (TCP inbound/outbound [for TA]) to your computer's IP address.

The direct X ports are 47624 for DirectX 7, and 6073 for DirectX 8, you may or may not need to open them both (the author uses 7 and only has the 47624 port open). TA also requires another set of ports to be open, these are ports 2300 through 2400, other sources say to open more, but thats all TA apears to need.

For GBL, you also need to forward ports 7777 and 7778 -- probably only TCP is needed.

This site may make it possible to have more than 1 online TA player on the same IP behind a router -- if not in the SAME TA game then probably at least in different TA games: DXport -- multiple players PER router!


Messages: 178
Inscrit: 28/09/24
Re: Ports à ouvrir pour TA
Publié: 2 janv. 2006 16:52
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Merci Phidias, cela marche nickel :)


Messages: 1 599
Inscrit: 28/09/24
Re: Ports à ouvrir pour TA
Publié: 2 janv. 2006 20:29
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De rien, avec tous les articles que tu as fait pour jeux et strategies on te devait bien ca :)