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Sujet: Patch 1.10
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Messages: 193
Inscrit: 06/10/24
Patch 1.10
Publié: 30 juin 2003 10:56
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- PATCH 1.10


The 1.10 patch is an upgrade to Reign of Chaos in preparation for the
upcoming release of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, available on July 1st.
This patch contains numerous new features and upgrades to Reign of Chaos,
as well as several balance changes. Due to these significant changes we have
moved the version number from 1.06 up to 1.10. We look forward to hearing
community feedback on the new features and improved game balance. See you on!

- Blizzard Entertainment


- Upgrades and units can be queued in the same queue chain.
- Buildings can now be queued.
- A graphic placeholder is displayed to notify where a building is going to
be constructed after the command to queue the building has been given.
- Minimap filters now "remember" your preferences so you no longer have
to toggle them on or off in every game.
- A creep camp minimap filter has been added. When it is used, small circular
graphics are displayed on the minimap representing the location of creep
- Added a third minimap "ally" filter that changes the colors displayed for
allies in the minimap.
- When using "ally" settings, the colors for the player, enemies, and allies
now properly adjust in the world frame.
- Improved defeat conditions address "hide the farm" strategies.
- An "Occupied" graphic now appears over Orc Burrows, Goblin Zeppelins,
Entangled Gold Mines, etc. This allows players to quickly tell how many
units are currently occupying a structure or transport.
- Hero icons for allied players are now displayed on your console if an ally
drops from a game or shares unit control.
- Flying Unit Improvements: We have turned off collision detection for flying
units so that they can now easily pass through each other. This will allow
air units to move about more smoothly than before. We have also added
"separation behavior" so air units will break out of clusters once they
reach a destination.
- Upgrade & Research Complete alerts now include text messages that indicate
which upgrade has just finished.
- Added player handicaps that allow players to limit their units' maximum hit
points prior to a game starting.
- Easy AI effectiveness has been further reduced. Combined with handicaps,
the AI can now be severely limited.
- Normal & Hard AI strategies have been improved. The AI now chooses between
a few different build orders per race (mass casters, mass Gargoyles, etc.),
which include varying numbers of Heroes.
- Holding the ALT key displays the health bars for all units on screen.
Alternately, holding the "[" key will display friendly unit health bars,
while the "]" key will display enemy unit health bars exclusively.
- Players can now quickly reply to the last "tell" command received by using
the "/r" command from in the game (if connected to
- Waypoints now have a graphical representation in the world frame and on the
- Increased the number of waypoints that can be placed at one time.
- Shops have been given an improved interface which now allow players to
select which Hero or unit is purchasing items, units, or services.
- Added the ability to see the inventory of the purchasing Hero when the shop
is selected.
- Added the ability to sell items back to shops.
- A new resource indicator is displayed for players whose teammates leave in
the middle of a game. The indicator appears in the top right corner of the
screen and allows players to see the allied army's current resources.
- Players can now transfer resources to the allied army of a teammate who
left the game.
- Tomes are now "powerups". This means that if you right-click on them
with a Hero selected, the Hero will now automatically use them rather than
pick them up.
- In-game chat messages now display who will be the recipient(s)
(All, Allies, a specific player, etc.).
- Buildings can now be assigned to a single hotkey and can be "tabbed" through
similar to unit subgroups.
- Players can now search for AMM opponents while continuing to chat
- Players can alt-tab while searching for a game. Once a game has
been found, Warcraft III will automatically maximize.
- Players can now veto a limited number of maps using the thumbs
up/thumbs down system.
- Players can now filter custom games to only show game types they
want to play.
- Players can now select their icon from icons they have unlocked.
They can also see how many wins are required for each icon.
- Observers can now use minimap pings to alert other observers to points of
- A new type of observer has been added called the "referee." A referee can
chat with the players in the game.
- Improved creep AI.
- Players can now modify hotkeys. Please see the CustomKeyInfo.txt file found
in your Warcraft III installation directory for further information.
- Town portals can now be "aimed" to a particular area around the town hall.
Players can also double-click on the Scroll of Town Portal to quickly
teleport to the highest upgraded town hall.
- Rally points can now be given waypoints to avoid running into creep camps
while rallying new units.
- Units "following" other units now inherit the behavior of the unit they are
following. If the unit they are following goes into attack mode, they will
drop into attack mode as well.
- A Hero channeling a spell will not stop casting the spell when a group
containing this Hero is given a new command. The Hero must be individually
selected in order to be given another command.
- Undead Acolytes and Night Elf Wisps that are rallied to an incomplete
Entangled or Haunted Gold Mine will now automatically begin to mine once the
structure is completed.


- All multiplayer maps that were shipped with the original product have
been patched to have improved item drop tables.
- Some maps have been additionally improved with other minor enhancements.
- Tranquil Paths now has random creeps.


- Devotion now gives 1.5/3/4.5 armor per level.
- Thunder Clap damage reduced to 60/100/140 from 70/110/150.
- Gyrocopter damage increased to 27-32 from 25-30.
- Powerbuild effectiveness has been reduced to 60% of its previous strength
in terms of how much speed additional Peasants add when supporting the
construction of a building. Note that the cost increase per additional
Peasant is unchanged.

- Shade speed increased to 350 from 270, but hit points reduced to 125
from 250.
- Animate Dead's duration reduced to 40 from 120, cooldown reduced from
180 to 240. Additionally, animated units are invulnerable, but can
still be dispelled.
- Death Pact and Dark Ritual can now be used on invulnerable units.
- Carrion Swarm max damage reduced to 300/600/1000 from 375/700/1000 and
damage per target reduced to 75/125/200 from 100/150/200.
- Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel attack cooldown is now 2 seconds
up from 1 second, and their damage has been reduced by 33% as well.
- Gargoyle attack versus air decreased to 1d11 + 43 from 1d13 + 50 to
reflect new air pathing changes.

- Wind Walk now has a cooldown of 5 seconds, costs 75 mana at all levels
(changed from 100/75/25), and deals "backstab" damage. When a Blademaster
attacks while using Wind Walk, he deals bonus damage to his victim.
- Lightning Shield range increased to 600 from 500.
- Ensnare duration increased to 15 from 12, and range increased to 500
from 400.
- Feral Spirit mana cost reduced to 75 from 100 and cooldown increased to
25 from 15.
- Shockwave area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Chain Lightning base damage reduced to 85/125/180 from 100/140/180.
- Tauren Chieftain speed increased to 270 from 250.
- The Tauren Chieftain now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.
- Wyvern hit points increased to 600 from 500.
- Wyvern poison now lasts 25 seconds and deals 4 damage a second.
- Headhunter cooldown reduced to 2.26 from 2.34.
- Berserker Strength now requires a Stronghold instead of a Fortress.
- Mirror Image cost reduced to 125 from 150.

Night Elves
- Dryad damage increased from 15-17 to 16-18.
- Entangle now prevents an affected unit from attacking, and interrupts
channeling spells such as Blizzard and Starfall. However, its duration
has been reduced to 12(3)/24(4)/36(5) (unit(Hero)).
- Treants created by Force of Nature now benefit from the Nature's Blessing
- Mana Burn cooldown is now 7/6/5 seconds by level, down from 7/7/7 seconds
by level.
- Tranquility cooldown reduced to 60 from 120.
- Tranquility mana cost reduced to 125 from 200.
- Cyclone no longer affects mechanical units.
- Rejuvenation can now be cast on units at full health.
- Ancients now attack while rooted.
- Hippogryph attack decreased from 1d9 + 37 to 1d7 + 31 to reflect new
air pathing changes.
- Chimaera splash increments reduced by 50 for quarter, 25 for half. This
effectively means that Chimaeras will do less splash damage than previously.

- Items have been revamped with new level tables. Items now have a level
from 1 to 8, along with one of several categories. Items of levels 1 to 6
can be charged items, permanent items, or powerups. Items of level 7 or
higher are artifacts.
Examples: Wand of Lightning Shield (charged), Stone Token (charged), Ring
of Protection +2 (permanent), Tome of Strength +2 (powerup), Mask of Death
- You can now sell items at the Goblin Merchant by right-clicking on an item,
and then "dropping" it onto a Goblin Merchant.
- Scroll of Town Portal now takes 5 seconds to use. During this time it is
being "channeled", and the Hero using it cannot be attacked or stunned.
Under no circumstances can the town portal be aborted once started.
- Wand of Illusion can no longer be cast on hostile units. This change was
made to prevent players from cheesing high level creep camps by using Wand
of Illusion on high level creeps, and then using this illusionary creep to
tank the damage.
- Boots of Speed no longer stack--two Boots of Speed will make a Hero just
as fast as one.

- When "attack-moving", air units now prefer to attack other air units more
often than previously.
- Creeps that are not in combat now ignore flying units. This means that if
you move flying units around using "move" instead of "attack move", creeps
will generally not attack them.
- Creeps can no longer be dragged via constant attacks--they eventually give
up and return to their start location.
- Goblin Sappers now deal 750 damage to buildings, 250 damage to all units,
and 185 damage to Heroes. These values are reduced by armor values such as
'5 armor', but do not interact with armor types (e.g. 'Medium armor').
- Units in a transport killed over ground will "spill out" over a wider
area. This means that surrounding a webbed transport and killing it will
generally not kill the passengers.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.06 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.10 version of Warcraft III.) Custom save games will
not load from versions 1.06 and below.


Messages: 193
Inscrit: 06/10/24
Re: Patch 1.10
Publié: 1 juil. 2003 09:38
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Et les updates cachés :


Messages: 1
Inscrit: 06/10/24
Re: Patch 1.10
Publié: 2 juil. 2003 09:35
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Ce patch est un concentré de bugs à lui tout seul !!
Il est parfaitement honteux de la part de professionnels d'oser sortir une version d'un logiciel qui ne soit que partiellement utilisable, en faisant croire qu'il s'agit d'une AMELIORATION !!
Je suis outré, et j'ai d'ailleurs demandé mon remboursement (j'ai vérifié auprès de juristes, et l'achat d'un logiciel fonctionnel, entraine qu'il doit le rester, mises a jour *reconnues* incluses). En effet il n'est nulle part fait mention d'une quelconque mise en garde concernant l'installation d'une update, ils l'ont donc dans le baba (cependant je ne me fais que peu d'illusions).

Concernant les bugs:
- impossible de voir ou l'on place ses batiments, a partir d'un certain nombre (particulièrement génant en "Tower Defense").
- carrément impossible de lancer une partie "Defense Of The Ancients".

Il y a parait-il d'autres bugs que je n'ai pas eu le plaisir de rencontrer.
Cette attitude vis-à-vis d'un public qui compte plusieurs millions de clients est tout-à-fait inadmissible. Et je tenais à vous dire que j'ai d'ores et déjà écrit plusieurs mails (dont j'attends toujours les réponse après 24h...) à ces messieurs.

En tous cas, en tant que programmeur amateur, je n'aurai jamais osé sortir un logiciel buggé en le prétendant terminé. Ils auraient au moins pu avoir la décence de faire plus de tests. Je suis déçu.


Messages: 193
Inscrit: 06/10/24
Re: Patch 1.10>>>
Publié: 4 juil. 2003 10:26
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Les bugs dont tu parles concernent des mods (modifications) développés par des utlisateurs de Warcraft 3 et non par l'equipe Blizzard.

Je pense que si tu lis le contrat que tu as 'signé' en achetant le jeu, tu y verras que Blizzard se désengage de toutes les modifications appliquées à son produit par un tier, voire les interdit. Les mods sont des choses tolérées.

Blizzard n'est donc pas responsable des bugs que tu rencontres.

Le mod dont tu parles qui ne fonctionne plus, va sans doute être modifié par son auteur pour fonctionner à nouveau, à moins qu'il ne s'y intéresse plus.>

En ce qui me concerne, je ne joue qu'au jeu normal et je n'ai rencontré aucun bug.>