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Sujet: record du monde de reply
Réponses: 2 521   Pages: 169   Dernier Message: 11 mai 2003 12:09 par: Jobille

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Messages: 552
De: chez moi
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 03:43
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je reflechis....


Messages: 552
De: chez moi
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 03:43
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c dur qd meme


Messages: 552
De: chez moi
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 03:44
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voila c bon :)


Messages: 552
De: chez moi
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 03:45
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g trouvé

Two trailer park girls go round the outside;
round the outside, round the outside
Two trailer park girls go round the outside;
round the outside, round the outside

Guess who's back
Back again
Shady's back
Tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back
guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back.. {*Eminem hums*}

[Verse 1: Eminem]
I've created a monster, cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more
They want Shady, I'm chopped liver (huh?)
Well if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya
A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor
Some vodka that'll jump start my heart quicker
than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital
by the doctor when I'm not co-operating
When I'm rockin the table while he's operatin (hey!!)
You waited this long, now stop debating
Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovu-lating
I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney
but your husband's heart problem's complicating
So the FCC won't let me be
or let me be me, so let me see
They try to shut me down on MTV
But it feels so empty, without me
So, come on and dip, rum on your lips
Fuck that, cum on your lips, and some on your tits
And get ready, cause this shit's about to get heavy
I just settled all my lawsuits, FUCK YOU DEBBIE!

[Chorus: Eminem]
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
Cause we need a little, controversy
Cause it feels so empty, without me
I said this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
Cause we need a little, controversy
Cause it feels so empty, without me

[Verse 2: Eminem]
Little Hellions, kids feelin rebellious
Embarrassed their parents still listen to Elvis
They start feelin like prisoners helpless
'til someone comes along on a mission and yells BITCH!!!

A visionary, vision of scary
Could start a revolution, pollutin the airwaves
A rebel, so just let me revel and bask
in the fact that I got everyone kissin my ass {*smak*}
And it's a disaster, such a castastrophe
for you to see so damn much of my ass; you asked for me?
Well I'm back, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na
{*bzzt*} Fix your damn antenna tune it in and then I'm gonna
enter in, in the front of your skin like a splinter
The center of attention, back for the winter
I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling
Investing in your kid's ears and nesting
{*bzzt*} Testing, attention please
Feel the tension, soon as someone mentions me
Here's my ten cents, my two cents is free
A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me?


[Verse 3: Eminem]
A-tisket a-tasket, I go tit for tat with
anybody who's talkin this shit, that shit
Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked
worse than them little Limp Bizket bastards
And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
You thirty-six year old baldheaded fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over, nobody listen to techno
Now let's go, just gimme the signal
I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults
I been dope, suspenseful with a pencil
ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol {*knife slices*}
But sometimes the shit just seems
everybody only wants to discuss me
So this must mean I'm dis-gus-ting
But it's just me, I'm just obscene
No I'm not the first king of controversy
I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
to do black music so selfishly
and used it to get myself wealthy
(Hey!!) There's a concept that works
Twenty million other white rappers emerge
But no matter how many fish in the sea
It'll be so empty, without me


{*Eminem sings this twice:
"Chem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la"*}

[Edité par: fangio-mdr le 2 sept. 02 19:14]


Messages: 580
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 09:04
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MDR au moment ou je lis ton post elle pass à la radio :)


Messages: 580
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 09:25
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Bonjour à trouvé un reprenneur.


Messages: 720
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 12:05
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二个拖车公园女孩去围绕外部; 围绕外部, 围绕外部* 抓痕* 二个
拖车公园女孩去围绕外部; 围绕外部, 围绕外部* 抓痕*

回来再遮荫后面的猜测告诉回来的朋友猜测, 回来的猜测, 回来的
猜测, 回来猜测回来的猜测,回来的猜测, 回来的猜测。
{ * Eminem 嗡嗡声* }

[ 诗歌1: Eminem ] 我创造了一个妖怪, 起因没人想看以整理没有
他们要遮荫, 我是切好的肝脏(huh?) 涌出如果你要遮荫, 这是什么
我将给ya 稍微杂草与一些坚硬酒混合比震动将跳跃开始我的心脏
正在共同操作当我是rockin 这张桌当他是operatin (嘿!!) 你等
待这长, 现在停止辩论我回来的起因, 我是在这块旧布和
ovu-lating 我知道你得到工作女士Cheney 但你的丈夫的心脏问题
的复杂化如此联邦通信委员会不会让我是或没有让我是我, 如此让
我看见他们设法关闭我下来在MTV 但它感到很空, 没有我如此, 进
展和浸洗, 兰姆酒在, 附带在你的嘴唇, 和一些在你的山雀和准备
好, 导致这个shit 的关于得到重我安定了所有我的诉讼, FUCK 你
DEBBIE 的你的嘴唇Fuck!

[ 合唱: Eminem ] 这现在看起来象工作为我如此大家, 跟随我我们
需要一点的起因, 论争起因它感觉很空, 没有我I 说这看起来象工
作为我如此大家, 跟随我我们需要一点的起因, 论争起因它感到很
空, 没有我

[ 诗歌2: Eminem ] 少许Hellions, feelin rebellious 困窘他们
起头feelin 象囚犯无能为力' 的他们的父母的小孩仍然倾听Elvis


有远见者, 视觉可怕能开始一次革命, pollutin 电波A 反叛者, 那
么让我revel 和取暖在这个事实我得到大家kissin 我的驴子
{ * smak * } 并且这是灾害, 这样一castastrophe 使你以看如此
诅咒我的驴子; 你请求我? 我回来, 钠钠钠钠钠钠钠钠钠钠
{ * bzzt * } 固定你的咒骂天线声调它并且我然后进入, 在你的皮
肤前线象裂片注意的中心, 为我是有趣的冬天, 最佳的事从搏斗投
资在你的小孩的耳朵里并且筑巢{ * bzzt * } 测试, 注意请感觉
紧张, 很快因为某人提及我这我的十分, 我的二分是自由A 讨厌,
送? 你送为我?

[ 合唱]

[ 诗歌3: Eminem ] A-tisket a-tasket, 我比他们去山雀为tat 与
任何人talkin 是这个shit, 拉屎Chris Kirkpatrick, 你能得到你
驴子被踢的坏少许软绵绵Bizket 坏蛋和Moby? 你能得到stomped
由Obie 三十六岁baldheaded fag, 吹我你不懂得我的You, 你太老
, 让去它是结束, 没人倾听techno 我们现在去, 正义gimme 我是那
里与一张整体名单充分新侮辱i 是麻醉药的信号, suspenseful 与
铅笔自从王子把变成标志{ * 刀子切片* } 但这个shit 正义有时好
, 我是淫秽没有我不是我是最坏的事论争的第一位国王自从
Elvis Presley 以做黑音乐那么selfishly 和使用它以得到富裕(嘿
!!) 有工作二十百万个其它白色交谈者涌现但的概念无论许多鱼在
海它是很空, 没有我

[ 合唱]

{ * Eminem 唱这两次
: " Chem hie la la la, la la la la la La la
la la la, la la la la " * }


Messages: 1 051
De: ...un.....go
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 15:13
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MDR gato :o))
t mauvais quand meme :o)))


Messages: 1 051
De: ...un.....go
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 15:14
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fangio, j'ai cliké mais g pas vu tes sponsors :o)


Messages: 1 244
De: de mon bureau de président d'honeur de la lfcm.
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 15:38
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Messages: 552
De: chez moi
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 17:22
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mes sponsors?


Messages: 720
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 17:23
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J'ai pris 2min a le traduire!!!!!!
c'est une grosse perte de tps pour moi !!!!!
Niemen la prochaine fois tu me le copiera avant 100fois!!!!

Le Légat

Messages: 1 307
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 20:15
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Arf ! ne critiquez pas la sonnerie de mon gsm :)

Slim Légat.


Messages: 1 223
De: Paris
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 20:18
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Pour ceux qui ont joué aux cyclistes kan ils étaient plus jeunes :

j'ai pas encore eu le temps de le tester, ca à l'air sympa sans plus. Je vous ferais un petit compte rendu qd j'aurais testé.

[Edité par: freire le 2 sept. 02 20:23]


Messages: 1 223
De: Paris
Inscrit: 05/10/24
Re: record du monde de reply
Publié: 2 sept. 2002 20:22
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Et j'en profite pour faire de la pub pour :
D'ici quelques jours vous pourrez découvrir le Tour de l'Avenir vu par Mickael Buffaz, une des révélation Elite 2 francais de la saison (vainqueur du prestigieux prix Mathias Nomblot, Paris-Troyes, Tour de Gironde, 2nd de la première manche DN2). Il donnera chaque soir ses impressions sur l'étape (il est stagiaire chez Delatour jusqu'en fin de saison et a signé un contrat pour 2003/2004 chez eux).
Il y aura également une couverture par l'équipe Marlux sur ce même Tour de l'Avenir.

Ensuite il y aura des bonnes surprises à partir du 16 Septembre :)