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Sujet: When will be released WCup GK ?
Réponses: 5   Pages: 1   Dernier Message: 17 juin 2002 04:49 par: [SfT]Chinook

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Messages: 8
Inscrit: 01/10/24
When will be released WCup GK ?
Publié: 12 juin 2002 19:26
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I hope soon. Thanks


Messages: 8
Inscrit: 01/10/24
Re: When will be released WCup GK ?
Publié: 16 juin 2002 18:42
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Messages: 104
Inscrit: 01/10/24
Re: When will be released WCup GK ?
Publié: 16 juin 2002 22:12
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If Nobody answer,maybye it's because nobody know...
(remarquez cet anglais parfait, je suis bilingue, je suis un kainri, je suis né au states, je suis modeste...)


Messages: 915
Inscrit: 01/10/24
Re: When will be released WCup GK ?
Publié: 17 juin 2002 00:04
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Euhhh ...ask for Lulu ... I am sure he could answer you ...
When you have a problem or a question to ask ... you can contact either Lulu or Speedy :)
I am not born In state but I can understand what you wrote ;)
And the most of us are able to understand too ...
Maybe if Terere write something ... I will be like an Idiot ..because I don't know to read and speak Spanish language ;)
Ai du plaisir :)


Messages: 963
De: Bordeaux, vive les girondins...
Inscrit: 01/10/24
Re: When will be released WCup GK ?
Publié: 17 juin 2002 00:30
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I have to say the previous versions of GK contained a readme.txt file, so you can contact the creator (S. Cadilhac) for any questions...
but I guess nobody knows yet...
Wait and see!
c ya

tengo que decir que las versiones anterioras de GK tenian un readme.txt, pués puede pedirlo a S. Cadilhac que ha creido GK...
pero pienso que nadie lo sabe ahora...
Espera un poco,
hasta pronto


Messages: 915
Inscrit: 01/10/24
Re: When will be released WCup GK ?
Publié: 17 juin 2002 04:49
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t'é tu nono Pauletta ?
t'é tout magané du brain toé mon esti !!!
j'tai dit que je comprenais rien .... arf :)
P'tin .. je vais faire traduire en Russe ... z'allez voir si vous faites les malins encore