Well it did take a while but it was well worth the wait. Aside from a few problems that i encountered everything else went smoothly. Hopefully those who harried Sylvain will apologize, and hopefully the site will be updated more often in the future as well so as to avoid problems like these.
Anyway i wanted to enquire about my problems. Sometimes when i click on a player and then the appearance tab i get this message:
Violation d'acces a l'adresse 695C208F dans le module 'NVOPENGL.DLL'. Lecture de l'adresse FFFFFFF.
I also somehow managed to make Spain disappear from the game, and now i have 2 Brazil teams. I think this was caused by my accidentally dragging teams around in the left hand menu, but i'm not sure. Is there a way to reset all the teams to normal without having to reinstall the game? Replacing fcdb_eng.dbi didn't seem to work..
Well if anyone can help me it will be much appreciated. Thanks again Sylvain for the great program!