J'ai trouvé ceci sur le site de Pahraon concernant cpuspeed.dll, peut-être que cela s'applique à ton cas?
Problem: I have a Cyrix processor and the install informs me that I don't meet the system requirements even though the processor speed is above the required speed. How do I install Pharaoh?
Answer: Here's what to do: 1) Copy all folders (directories) from your Pharaoh CD to a new folder on a hard drive (eg. C:\TEMP). (You can exclude the C3Trailer and Demos folder). 2) Right click on the file cpuspeed.dll (which should be in the new folder) and uncheck the Read Only checkbox. Press Apply and OK. 3) Open cpuspeed.dll by double-clicking on it and selecting Open With... Notepad. 4) Select from the menu Edit --> Select All and press the Delete button on your keyboard. 5) Select from the menu File --> Save . 6) Close Notepad. 7) Run SETUP.EXE from your new folder. 8) Delete all the items from Step 1 from your harddrive. (thanks to Yiannis)
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=====[Début du message original envoyé par Pinchi Philippe]===>Bonjour, >Nouveau-venu sur ce forum >J'espère avoir employer les bonnes balises..... >Win98 >32Mo >Dispo 1 Go >PentiumII 150 Mhz > >J'essaie d'installer "Pharaon" et j'obtiens ce msg. >INS5176 a exécuté une instruction non valide dans >le module CPUSPEED.DLL à 017f:01661014. >Registres : >EAX=008203ad CS=017f EIP=01661014 EFLGS=00010202 >EBX=008203ab SS=0187 ESP=006bf7d0 EBP=006bf7d4 >ECX=00000002 DS=0187 ESI=008203ad FS=29df >EDX=815d1800 ES=0187 EDI=bfdf62b4 GS=0000 >Octets à CS : EIP : >0f 31 89 45 fc 8b 45 fc 8b e5 5d c3 53 56 57 8b >État de la pile : >00000002 006bfcc0 0166104a 00000000 815d0f40 005b0000 0045d4c8 81a914dc >00000000 00000000 b0130000 8838015f 17772363 01661020 d0000000 8b240004 > >Qui peut m'aider >Amitiés surfantes >Phil
-- Kih-Oskh XIX Pharaon