1 016
Traductions du nom des cartes
15 oct. 2004 14:33
// Multiplayer map names and descriptions
[painted desert] { German = Die gemalte Wüste; French = Désert de pastels; Italian = Deserto Dipinto; Spanish = Desierto pintado; } [18 x 18 battle in the many mesas area.] { German = 18 x 18 Die Schlacht in der Wüste von Many Mesas.; French = 18 x 18 Nombreux plateaux.; Italian = 18 x 18 Battaglia nell'area Many Mesas.; Spanish = 18 x 18 Batalla en las colinas.; }
[caldera's rim] { German = Calderas Rand; French = Bord de Caldéra; Italian = Sul bordo del vulcano; Spanish = Borde de Caldera; } [29 x 29 sunken volcanic crater in center of map] { German = 29 x 29 Versunkener Vulkankrater in der Kartenmitte.; French = 29 x 29 Un ancien volcan occupe le centre de cette zone.; Italian = 29 x 29 Un vulcano sommerso nel centro della mappa.; Spanish = 29 x 29 Cráter volcánico hundido en el centro del mapa.; }
[coast to coast] { German = Von Küste zu Küste; French = D'un rivage à l'autre; Italian = Coast to coast; Spanish = De costa a costa; } [7 x 4 water between two coasts. weak tides.] { German = 7 x 4 Wasser zwischen den beiden Küsten. Schwache Gezeiten; French = 7 x 4 Zone aqueuse séparée par 2 rivages. Faible marée.; Italian = 7 x 4 Il mare separa le due coste. Deboli maree.; Spanish = 7 x 4 Agua entre dos costas. Mareas débiles.; }
[dark side] { German = Die dunkle Seite; French = Ténébrae; Italian = Lato oscuro; Spanish = Zona oscura; } [6 x 5 lunar map with plenty of metal] { German = 6 x 5 Mondkarte mit großen Metallvorkommen.; French = 6 x 5 Paysage lunaire principalement composé de métal.; Italian = 6 x 5 Paesaggio lunare ricco di metallo.; Spanish = 6 x 5 Mapa lunar con metal abundante.; }
[etorrep glacier] { German = Der Etorret-Gletscher; French = Glacier d'Etorret; Italian = Ghiacciaio Etorrep; Spanish = Glaciar de Etorrep; } [5 x 8 strong winds coming from ocean.] { German = 5 x 8 Starke Winde von der Seeseite.; French = 5 x 8 Zone désertique battue par des vents marins.; Italian = 5 x 8 Forti venti provenienti dall'oceano.; Spanish = 5 x 8 Fuertes vientos procedentes del océano.; }
[fox holes] { German = Fuchsbau; French = L'antre du renard; Italian = Tane di volpe; Spanish = Madrigueras de zorros; } [7 x 7 strong winds. more metal on high ground.] { German = 7 x 7 Starke Winde. Mehr Metalle auf der Hochebene.; French = 7 x 7 Secteur venteux et riche en métal.; Italian = 7 x 7 Forti venti. Metallo sulle alture.; Spanish = 7 x 7 Fuertes vientos. Más metal en terreno elevado.; } [full moon] { German = Vollmond; French = Pleine lune; Italian = Luna piena; Spanish = Luna llena; } [8 x 8 fighting on the naryb highlands. no wind.] { German = 8 x 8 Kämpfe in den Maryb Highlands. Kein Wind.; French = 8 x 8 Région montagneuse de Maryb. Vent inexistant.; Italian = 8 x 8 Combattimento sulle alture Naryb. Zona priva di vento.; Spanish = 8 x 8 Batalla en las montañas de Naryb. Sin viento.; }
[gods of war] { German = Die Kriegsgötter; French = Les Dieux vengeurs; Italian = Gli Dei della guerra; Spanish = Dioses de la Guerra; } [9 x 8 asymmetric water map.] { German = 9 x 8 Asymmetrische Seekarte; French = 9 x 8 Zone aqueuse asymétrique.; Italian = 9 x 8 Battaglia marina.; Spanish = 9 x 8 Mapa aquático asimétrico.; }
[great divide] { German = Die Große Teilung; French = La grand crevasse; Italian = La grande spaccatura; Spanish = Gran división; } [5 x 8 fight through a mountain pass.] { German = 5 x 8 Kämpfen Sie sich über einen Gebirgspaß.; French = 5 x 8 Col escarpé d'une vaste montagne.; Italian = 5 x 8 Combattimento presso un passo di montagna.; Spanish = 5 x 8 Lucha en un paso montañoso.; }
[hundred isles] { German = Hundert Inseln; French = Les cent îsles; Italian = Le cento isole; Spanish = Cien islas; } [12 x 12 fighting on over a hundred small islands] { German = 12 x 12 Kämpfen Sie sich durch einige hundert Inseln.; French = 12 x 12 Zone composée d'une centaine de petites îles.; Italian = 12 x 12 Combattimento sulle cento isole.; Spanish = 12 x 12 Lucha en un centenar de pequeñas islas.; }
[kill the middle] { German = Die Mitte ausschalten; French = La plaine du massacre; Italian = La pianura dei massacri; Spanish = Masacre en el centro; } [13 x 13 powerful player in middle of map on island.] { German = 13 x 13 Ein mächtiger Spieler in der Mitte auf einer Insel.; French = 13 x 13 Centre d'une île.; Italian = 13 x 13 Il giocatore più potente sull'isola al centro.; Spanish = 13 x 13 Jugador poderoso en centro de mapa sobre isla.; }
[king of the hill] { German = Der Hügelkönig; French = Célébrite méritée; Italian = Re della collina; Spanish = El mejor de todos; } [16 x 16 fight for a metal rich mountain. strong wind.] { German = 16 x 16 Kampf um einen Berg voller Metall. Starker Wind.; French = 16 x 16 Montagne riche en métal. Vents violents.; Italian = 16 x 16 Combattimento per una montagna ricca di metallo.; Spanish = 16 x 16 Lucha en montaña rica en metal. Fuertes vientos.; }
[lava & two hills] { German = Lava mit zwei Bergen; French = Les deux collines de lave; Italian = Le due colline della lava; Spanish = Lava y dos colinas; } [9 x 8 two giant hills & a river of lava between them] { German = 9 x 8 Zwei riesige Berge und ein Lavastrom dazwischen.; French = 9 x 8 Deux imposantes collines séparent une rivière de lave.; Italian = 9 x 8 Due colline e un fiume di lava tra di esse.; Spanish = 9 x 8 Dos colinas gigantes separadas por un río de lava.; }
[lava highground] { German = Die Lavahochebene; French = Les hautes spères de lave; Italian = Le alture di lava; Spanish = Alturas volcánicas; } [8 x 8 fight over narrow ramps.] { German = 8 x 8 Kämpfen Sie sich durch enge Karten.; French = 8 x 8 Secteurs particulièrement étroits.; Italian = 8 x8 Combattimento sulle strette rampe.; Spanish = 8 x 8 Lucha en rampas estrechas.; }
[lava mania] { German = Lava-Manie; French = Sol de feu; Italian = Lava-mania; Spanish = Lavamanía; } [8 x 8 strong winds.] { German = 8 x 8 Starke Winde.; French = 8 x 8 Vents violents.; Italian = 8 x 8 Forti venti.; Spanish = 8 x 8 Fuertes vientos.; }
[lava run] { German = Lavastorm; French = La coulée de lave; Italian = Colata di lava; Spanish = Río de lava; } [13 x 4 lava strip down center. high winds.] { German = 13 x 4 Ein Lavastreifen in der Mitte. Windig.; French = 13 x 4 Terrain volcanique. Beaucoup de vent.; Italian = 13 x 4 Terreno vulcanico. Forti venti.; Spanish = 13 x 4 Río de lava en el centro. Fuertes vientos.; }
[greenhaven] { German = Greenhaven; French = Vert-refuge; Italian = Il paradiso verde; Spanish = Paraíso verde; } [16 x 16 large map with many hills to hide behind.] { German = 16 x 16 Große Karte mit vielen Hügeln und Verstecken.; French = 16 x 16 Secteur avec diverses collines pour se dissimuler.; Italian = 16 x 16 Grande mappa con numerose colline.; Spanish = 16 x 16 Mapa grande con muchas colinas para ocultarse.; }
[metal heck] { German = Die Metallhölle; French = Marais métallique; Italian = Il mondo di metallo; Spanish = Infierno metálico; } [8 x 8 fight in the metal cross region.] { German = 8 x 8 Kämpfen Sie in einer launischen Metallwelt.; French = 8 x 8 Région métallique.; Italian = 8 x 8 Combattimento nel metallo.; Spanish = 8 x 8 Lucha en la zona metálica.; }
[red hot lava] { German = Rote heiße Lava; French = Monde en fusion; Italian = Lava rovente; Spanish = Lava al rojo vivo; } [11 x 9 many hills and lava pools. plenty of metal] { German = 11 x 9 Viele Hügel und Lavaseen. Viel Metall.; French = 11 x 9 Zone métallique et volcanique. Nombreuses collines.; Italian = 11 x 9 Molte colline e pozze di lava. Abbondanza di metallo.; Spanish = 11 x 9 Colinas y estanques de lava. Metal abundante.; }
[red planet] { German = Der rote Planet; French = Planète rouge; Italian = Il pianeta rosso; Spanish = Planeta rojo; } [9 x 9 many small hills and pools] { German = 9 x 9 Viele kleine Hügel und Seen.; French = 9 x 9 Multiples collines et bassins de petites tailles.; Italian = 9 x 9 Numerose colline e pozze.; Spanish = 9 x 9 Pequeñas colinas y estanques.; }
[red triangle] { German = Das rote Dreieck; French = Triangle rouge; Italian = Il triangolo rosso; Spanish = Triángulo rojo; } [16 x 16 powerful tides and strong winds.] { German = 16 x 16 Mächtige Gezeiten und starke Winde.; French = 16 x 16 Forte marée et vent violent.; Italian = 16 x 16 Maree e forti venti.; Spanish = 16 x 16 Fuertes mareas y vientos.; }
[ring atoll] { German = Das kreisrunde Atoll; French = L'atoll encerclé; Italian = L'atollo dell'anello; Spanish = Atolón circular; } [21 x 21 powerful tides. ground units can use shallow water.] { German = 21 x 21 Bodeneinheiten können sich in seichtem Wasser bewegen.; French = 21 x 21 Grandes marées. Déplacements terrestres à marée basse.; Italian = 21 x 21 Forti maree.; Spanish = 21 x 21 Fuertes mareas. Desplazamientos sólo con marea baja.; }
[rock alley] { German = Die Felsenallee; French = Passage de granite; Italian = Passaggio di roccia; Spanish = Pasaje rocoso; } [9 x 21 fight in mountian valley.] { German = 9 x 21 Kämpfe im Bergtal.; French = 9 x 21 Vallée au centre d'un secteur montagneux.; Italian = 9 x 21 Battaglia in una valle di montagna.; Spanish = 9 x 21 Lucha en el valle.; }
[sherwood] { German = Sherwood; French = Sherwood; Italian = Sherwood; Spanish = Sherwood; } [6 x 6 fighting around 3 large hills] { German = 6 x 6 Der Kampf rund um drei große Hügel.; French = 6 x 6 Zone composée de 3 vastes collines.; Italian = 6 x 6 Combattimento attorno a tre grandi colline.; Spanish = 6 x 6 Lucha en torno a 3 grandes colinas.; }
[shore to shore] { German = Von Strand zu Strand; French = D'un littoral à l'autre; Italian = Di riva in riva; Spanish = De orilla a orilla; } [29 x 4 two coasts with large ocean between them.] { German = 29 x 4 Zwei Küstenstreifen mit großem Ozean dazwischen.; French = 29 x 4 Deux rivages séparés par un gigantesque océan.; Italian = 29 x 4 Due coste separate da un largo tratto di mare.; Spanish = 29 x 4 Dos costas separadas por un gran océano.; }
[the desert triad] { German = Die Wüstentriade; French = La triade du désert; Italian = La triade del deserto; Spanish = La tríada del desierto; } [6 x 6 fighting on 3 mesas.] { German = 6 x 6 Kämpfen Sie auf drei flachen Ebenen.; French = 6 x 6 Trois grands plateaux écrasés par le soleil.; Italian = 6 x 6 Battaglia sulle tre mesas.; Spanish = 6 x 6 Lucha en 3 colinas.; }
[two continents] { German = Zwei Kontinente; French = Les deux continents; Italian = I due continenti; Spanish = Dos continentes; } [22 x 25 metal in the middle of the map.] { German = 22 x 25 Metallvorkommen in der Kartenmitte.; French = 22 x 25 Zone métallique au centre de cette région.; Italian = 22 x 25 Abbondanza di metallo al centro di questa zona.; Spanish = 22 x 25 Metal en el centro del mapa.; }
[yerrot mountains] { German = Die Yerrot-Berge; French = Le mont Yerrot; Italian = I monti Yerrot; Spanish = Montañas Yerrot; } [27 x 23 mountain range with lots of metal.] { German = 27 x 23 Berglandschaft mit reichem Metallvorkommen.; French = 27 x 23 Région montagneuse, riche en métal.; Italian = 27 x 23 Zona montuosa ricca di metallo.; Spanish = 27 x 23 Cadena montañosa rica en metales.; }
[pincushion] { German = Das Nadelkissen; French = La fourmilière; Italian = Il puntaspilli; Spanish = Alfiletero; } [13 x 13 a fight amongst lava spires] { German = 13 x 13 Der Kampf zwischen den Lavaspitzen.; French = 13 x 13 Terrain escarpé, composé de pics de lave.; Italian = 13 x 13 Tra picchi di lava.; Spanish = 13 x 13 Lucha entre agujas de lava.; }
[over crude water] { German = Über rauhe See; French = En eaux troubles; Italian = Sul mare; Spanish = En aguas turbulentas; } [25 x 25 a maze of metal bridges.] { German = 25 x 25 Im Labyrinth der Metallbrücken.; French = 25 x 25 Un labyrinthe de ponts en acier.; Italian = 25 x 25 Un labirinto di ponti di metallo.; Spanish = 25 x 25 Laberinto de puentes metálicos.; }
[seven islands] { German = Sieben Inseln; French = Les sept îles; Italian = Le sette isole; Spanish = Siete islas; } [40 x 40 huge sea battle on core prime] { German = 40 x 40 Große Seeschlacht auf CORE PRIME.; French = 40 x 40 Vaste océan sur Core Prime.; Italian = 40 x 40 Grande battaglia marina su Core Prime.; Spanish = 40 x 40 Gran batalla marina en Núcleo Uno.; }
[ashap plateau] { German = Das Ashap-Plateau; French = Plateau d'Ashap; Italian = L'altopiano Ashap; Spanish = Meseta Ashap; } [9 x 9 metal on rough lower level] { German = 9 x 9 Metall auf rauher unterer Ebene.; French = 9 x 9 Terrain accidenté et riche en métal.; Italian = 9 x 9 Terreno accidentato ricco di metallo.; Spanish = 9 x 9 Terreno bajo, accidentado y rico en metal.; }
[the cold place] { German = Der kalte Palast; French = Le glacis; Italian = Il freddo; Spanish = La zona fria; } [15 x 11 fighting on a flat tundra with very strong winds.] { German = 15 x 11 Kämpfe in flacher Tundra bei starken Winden.; French = 15 x 11 Terrain plat et battu par les vents.; Italian = 15 x 11 Combattimento su una pianura battuta da forti venti.; Spanish = 15 x 11 Lucha en una tundra azotada por el viento.; }
[evad river confluence] { German = Zusammenstoß am Evad River ; French = L'affluent de la rivière Evad; Italian = La confluenza del fiume Evad; Spanish = Confluencia del río Evad; } [11 x 10 map. intermittent winds] { German = 11 x 10 Periodisch auftretende Winde.; French = 11 x 10 Vents irréguliers.; Italian = 11 x 10 Venti irregolari.; Spanish = 11 x 10 Vientos intermitentes; }
[lava alley] { German = Lava-Allee; French = Passage de lave; Italian = Il passaggio di lava; Spanish = Pasaje de lava; } [18 x 18 fighting in narrow valleys.] { German = 18 x 18 Kampf in engen Tälern.; French = 18 x 18 Zone composée d'étroites vallées.; Italian = 18 x 18 Battaglia in strette vallate.; Spanish = 18 x 18 Lucha en valles angostos.; }
[the pass] { German = Der Paß; French = Le Col; Italian = Il passo; Spanish = El Paso; } [7 x 4 fight to control a winding mountian pass.] { German = 7 x 4 Die Kontrolle über einen gewundenen Gebirgspaß.; French = 7 x 4 Passage montagneux. Vent violent; Italian = 7 x 4 Combattimento per il controllo di un passo ventoso.; Spanish = 7 x 4 Lucha por un pasadizo montañoso. Fuertes vientos.; }
[anteer strait] { German = Straße von Anteer; French = Anteer Straight; Italian = Lo stretto di Anteer; Spanish = Estrecho de Anteer; }
[18 x 18 fight in an iceburg filled ocean. strong tides.] { German = 18 x 18 Kampf im Eismeer. Starke Gezeiten.; French = 18 x 18 Océan glacé. Nombreux icebergs et vent violent.; Italian = 18 x 18 L'oceano ghiacciato. Numerosi iceberg e forti maree.; Spanish = 18 x 18 Lucha en un océano helado. Fuertes mareas.; }
[metal isles] { German = Metall-Inseln; French = Les îles de Métal; Italian = Isole di Metallo; Spanish = Islas de metal; } [23 X 21 4 Symmetrical Metal Islands, good for sea battles] { German = 23 x 21 Vier symmetrische Metall-Inseln. Gut für Seeschlachten.; French = 23 x 21 Excellent pour les combats navals.; Italian = 23 x 21 Ottime per le battaglie sul mare.; Spanish = 23 x 21 Cuatro islas de metal simétricas.; }
// Expansion Pack map names and descriptions
[acid foursome] { German = Acid-Quartett; French = Quatuor acidulé; Italian = Acido per quattro; Spanish = Acid-House; } [13 X 13 Open plains and small lakes.] { German = 13 X 13 Offene Ebenen und kleine Seen.; French = 13 X 13 Vastes plaines et petits lacs.; Italian = 13 X 13 Spazi aperti e piccoli laghi.; Spanish = 13 X 13 Llanuras abiertas y pequeños lagos.; }
[acid pools] { German = Achtung Säure!; French = Baignade interdite; Italian = Pozze di acido; Spanish = Piscinas Acidas; } [32 X 23 Masses of land with narrow passages.] { German = 32 X 32 Landmassen mit engen Passagen.; French = 32 X 32 Continents reliés par des ponts naturels.; Italian = 32 X 32 Isole con stretti passaggi.; Spanish = 32 X 32 Masas de tierra con pasillos estrechos.; }
[acid trip] { German = Säure Trip; French = La Mer d'Acide; Italian = Viaggio nell'acido; Spanish = Viaje Acido; } [15 X 39 Watch out for the acid or you'll melt away.] { German = 15 X 39 Säure greift Metall an.; French = 15 X 39 Là où il y a acide, il y a risque de dissolution.; Italian = 15 X 39 Attenzione all'acido, o verrete sciolti.; Spanish = 15 X 39 Cuidado con el ácido o te derretirás.; }
[assault on suburbia] { German = Sturm auf Suburbia; French = A l'assaut des Faubourgs; Italian = Assalto ai sobborghi; Spanish = Asalto en Suburbia; } [16 X 16 Crush 'em.] { German = 16 X 16 Auf zum Sieg.; French = 16 X 16 Ecrasez-les !; Italian = 16 X 16 Distruggete tutto.; Spanish = 16 X 16 Cárgatelos.; }
[biggie biggs] { German = Absolut riesig; French = Sauts de Puce; Italian = Grande e grosso; Spanish = Menéate; } [36 X 16 Dance from island to island crushing your opponents.] { German = 36 X 16 Tanz von Insel zu Insel.; French = 36 X 16 Valsez d'un île à l'autre en écrasant vos adversaires.; Italian = 36 X 16 Da un'isola all'altra per distruggere gli avversari.; Spanish = 36 X 16 Baila de isla en isla destruyendo a tus enemigos.; }
[block wars] { German = Häuserkampf; French = Attention aux Ralentisseurs; Italian = Guerre nei sobborghi; Spanish = Esto es la guerra; } [20 X 20 Battling through the Core Prime suburbs.] { German = 20 X 20 Kampf in den Vororten von Core Prime.; French = 20 X 20 Bataille en banlieue de Core Prime.; Italian = 20 X 20 Battaglia nei sobborghi di Core Prime.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Pelea en los suburbios del Núcleo.; }
[brain coral] { German = Korallen; French = Coraux Synaptiques; Italian = Corallo; Spanish = Coral y más coral; } [20 X 20 Hydrous map with brain coral spiral.] { German = 20 X 20 Wasserkarte mit Korallenriffs.; French = 20 X 20 Carte océanique agrémentée d'une spirale de coraux synaptiques.; Italian = 20 X 20 Mappa subacquea con struttura corallina.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Mapa acuático con extrañas formaciones coralinas.; }
[cavedog links cc] { German = Der Golfkurs; French = Cavedog Contre-Attaque; Italian = Collegamenti; Spanish = Cavedog Links CC; } [25 X 24 Keep your Kbots on the trails.] { German = 25 X 24 Kbots sollten auf den Wegen bleiben.; French = 25 X 24 Que vos Kbots suivent la piste !; Italian = 25 X 24 Tenete i vostri Kbot sulle piste.; Spanish = 25 X 24 Controla a tus Kbots.; }
[checker ponds] { German = Schachbrettmuster; French = Jeu de dames Chinoises; Italian = Paludi; Spanish = Piscinas de Damas; } [13 X 13 Be wary of the many corrosive puddles.] { German = 13 X 13 Vorsicht vor den korrodierenden Pfützen.; French = 13 X 13 Méfiez-vous de toutes ces flaques corrosives !; Italian = 13 X 13 Fate attenzione alle pozze corrosive.; Spanish = 13 X 13 Ten cuidado con los charcos corrosivos.; }
[cluster freak] { German = Metallgruppen; French = Balle au Centre; Italian = Ammasso spaventoso; Spanish = Agrupamiento; } [10 X 10 High winds with lots of metal in the middle.] { German = 10 X 10 Starke Winde - große Metallvorkommen in der Mitte.; French = 10 X 10 Balayés par les vents avec beaucoup de métal au centre.; Italian = 10 X 10 Forti venti, con parecchio metallo al centro.; Spanish = 10 X 10 Fuertes vientos y toneladas de metal en el medio.; }
[comet catcher] { German = Kometenfänger; French = Chasseur de Comètes; Italian = Afferra-comete; Spanish = Cazacometas; } [12 X 15 Low gravity livens up this desolate landscape.] { German = 12 X 15 Geringe Schwerkraft belebt dieses desolate Gelände.; French = 12 X 15 La faible gravité déride ce paysage désolé.; Italian = 12 X 15 La bassa gravità vivacizza questo paesaggio.; Spanish = 12 X 15 Gravedad baja en una llanura desolada.; }
[core prime industrial area] { German = Industriegebiet von Core Prime ; French = Zone industrielle de Core Prime; Italian = Area industriale di Core Prime; Spanish = Zona Industrial del Núcleo; } [21 X 21 Abandoned Core industrial area.] { German = 21 X 21 Ausgedehntes Industriegebiet.; French = 21 X 21 Zone industrielle du Core abandonnée; Italian = 21 X 21 Area industriale abbandonata.; Spanish = 21 X 21 Zona industrial del Núcleo abandonada.; }
[crater islands] { German = Die Kraterinsel; French = Iles Volcaniques; Italian = Le isole Crater; Spanish = Islas del Crater; } [10 X 8 Fight your way across these shallow waters.] { German = 10 X 8 Kampf in den seichten Gewässern.; French = 10 X 8 Frayez-vous un chemin dans ces eaux peu profondes !; Italian = 10 X 8 Fatevi strada attraverso i bassi fondali.; Spanish = 10 X 8 Ábrete paso por aguas poco profundas.; }
[crystal cracked] { German = Der Riß von Crystal; French = Cristaux en folie; Italian = Cristallo spezzato; Spanish = Cristales rotos; } [20 X 20 Two land masses split by an inland filled sea.] { German = 20 X 20 Zwei Landmassen, getrennt durch einen Binnensee.; French = 20 X 20 Deux continents séparés par une mer intérieure. ; Italian = 20 X 20 Due masse di terra divise dal mare.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Dos masas de tierra separadas por el mar.; }
[crystal isles] { German = Die Inseln von Crystal; French = Baston Cristalline; Italian = Isole di cristallo; Spanish = Islas de Cristal; } [20 X 20 Crystal World ocean, dotted with reefs and islands.] { German = 20 X 20 Riffe und Inseln im Ozean von Crystal World.; French = 20 X 20 Un océan du monde cristallin parsemé de récifs et d'îles. ; Italian = 20 X 20 Un oceano cristallino, punteggiato da isole e scogliere.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Océano del Mundo de Cristal, salpicado por arrecifes e islas.; }
[crystal maze] { German = Labyrinth von Crystal; French = Labyrinthe de Cristal; Italian = Labirinto di cristallo; Spanish = Laberinto de Cristal; } [10 X 10 Free-for-all in a maze of mountains.] { German = 10 X 10 Jeder gegen jeden im Berglabyrinth.; French = 10 X 10 Tous les coups sont permis dans ce labyrinthe montagneux. ; Italian = 10 X 10 Verso l'uscita in un labirinto di montagne.; Spanish = 10 X 10 Vía libre en un laberinto de montañas.; }
[crystal treasure island] { German = Schatzinsel von Crystal; French = L'Ile Cristalline au Trésor; Italian = Isola del Tesoro; Spanish = Isla del Tesoro; } [12 X 13 Crystal map with metal-rich islands in the center.] { German = 12 X 13 Crystal-Karte mit metallreichen Inseln in der Mitte.; French = 12 X 13 Carte cristalline centrée sur des îles riches en métaux.; Italian = 12 X 13 Mappa di cristallo, con isole ricche di metallo al centro.; Spanish = 12 X 13 Mapa de mundo de Cristal con islas ricas en metal en el centro.; }
[dire straits] { German = Achtung Gefahr!; French = Dire Straits; Italian = Dire Straits; Spanish = Dire Straits; } [15 X 17 Natural fortification to hide between.] { German = 15 X 17 Natürliche Verteidigung zum Verstecken.; French = 15 X 17 Fortifications naturelles pour servir d'abris.; Italian = 15 X 17 Fortificazioni naturali in cui nascondersi.; Spanish = 15 X 17 Protecciones naturales tras las que esconderse.; }
[east indeez] { German = Inselkampf; French = Les Iles de l'AntiPacifique; Italian = A est; Spanish = Hacia el Este; } [28 X 19 Lots of islands, lots of water!] { German = 28 X 19 Viele Inseln, viel Wasser!; French = 28 X 19 Beaucoup d'eau, beaucoup d'îles !; Italian = 28 X 19 Molte isole, molta acqua!; Spanish = 28 X 19 Muchas islas y ¡mucha agua!; }
[eastside westside] { German = Eastside Westside; French = Rive Droite, Rive Gauche; Italian = Da est a ovest; Spanish = De este a oeste; } [19 X 19 Find a park or reclaim large structures for metal.] { German = 19 X 19 Nutze die Überreste zerstörter Gebäude.; French = 19 X 19 Emparez-vous d'un parc ou recyclez les vieilles structures.; Italian = 19 X 19 Stabilite una postazione o cercate il metallo.; Spanish = 19 X 19 Busca un sitio o recicla estructuras para tener metal.; }
[pc games' evad river delta]<--- Wow, une map officielle spéciale rien que pour les lecteurs de ce mag? { German = Evad-Delta; French = Delta de la rivière Evad; Italian = Evasione del delta fluviale; Spanish = Delta del Río Evad; } [14 X 14, Battle for the Evad River Delta] { German = 14 X 14 Kämpfen Sie um das Evad-Delta. French = 14 X 14 Bataille pour le contrôle du delta.; Italian = 14 X 14 Combattete per evadere dal delta fluviale.; Spanish = 14 X 14 Batalla por el delta del Río Evad.; }
[expanded confluence] { German = Ausgedehnter Zusammenfluß; French = Le Delta de la Rivière Evad; Italian = Confluenza di venti; Spanish = Confluencia expandida; } [22 X 22 More room to rumble on this old favorite.] { German = 22 X 22 Periodische Winde.; French = 22 X 22 Une carte plus étendue pour ce classique.; Italian = 22 X 22 Venti a intermittenza.; Spanish = 22 X 22 Vientos intermitentes.; }
[flooded glaciers] { German = Überschwemmte Gletscher; French = Titanic ta Mère; Italian = Ghiacciai; Spanish = Glaciares inundados; } [12 X 10 Icy ocean battle.] { German = 12 X 10 Kämpfe im eisigen Ozean.; French = 12 X 10 Bataille dans un océan polaire.; Italian = 12 X 10 Battaglia su un oceano ghiacciato.; Spanish = 12 X 10 Batalla en un océano helado.; }
[gasbag forests] { German = Wald der Gasblasen; French = Gaz Malodorants; Italian = Grandi foreste; Spanish = Bosques de gas; } [19 X 19 Large fields of gasplants block your path.] { German = 19 X 19 Große Felder von Gaspflanzen versperren den Weg.; French = 19 X 19 Attention aux nuages de gaz qui gênent votre progression. ; Italian = 19 X 19 Emissioni di gas bloccano la vostra strada.; Spanish = 19 X 19 Grandes extensiones y plantas de gas.; }
[gasplant plain] { German = Gaspflanzen-Ebene; French = Une bataille pétillante; Italian = Emissioni di gas; Spanish = Llanuras de plantas de gas; } [10 X 8 Large plain for close encounters. Lots of geothermal.] { German = 10 X 8 Große Ebenen für direkte Konfrontationen. Viele Thermalwinde.; French = 10 X 8 Une large pleine pour des chocs frontaux. Le règne de la géothermie.; Italian = 10 X 8 Vasta pianura per incontri ravvicinati.; Spanish = 10 X 8 Enrome llanura para encuentros bélicos. Muchas geotérmicas.; }
[higher ground] { German = Höhenlagen; French = Vertige de la Mort; Italian = Zone sopraelevate; Spanish = Suelo más alto; } [8 X 16 You take the high road and I'll take the low road.] { German = 8 X 16 Zwei Pässe - einer oben, einer unten.; French = 8 X 16 Tu prends la route du haut, je prends celle du bas.; Italian = 8 X 16 Meglio la strada alta o quella più in basso?; Spanish = 8 X 16 Tu te vas por arriba y yo me voy por abajo.; }
[ice house] { German = Eishaus; French = Intimité dans le Bac à Glace; Italian = Casa di ghiaccio; Spanish = La Casa de Hielo; } [16 X 16 Large ice mountains hinder big guns.] { German = 16 X 16 Große Eisberge behindern die großen Geschütze.; French = 16 X 16 Des hautes montagnes enneigées gênent l'artillerie lourde. ; Italian = 16 X 16 L?ostacolo delle Grandi montagne di ghiaccio.; Spanish = 16 X 16 Enormes montañas heladas con algunas sorpresas.; }
[ice scream] { German = Schreie im Eis; French = Le Glacier rit; Italian = Urlo agghiacciante; Spanish = Grito en el Hielo; } [15 X 39 Screaming won't be all you do on this forbidding world.] { German = 15 X 39 Schreien ist nicht alles auf dieser Welt.; French = 15 X 39 Acier rit ! Venons en au fait sur ce monde hostile !; Italian = 15 X 39 Urlare non sarà sufficiente in questo terribile paesaggio.; Spanish = 15 X 39 Gritar no será lo único que harás en este mundo prohibido.; }
[icy bergs] { German = Eisberge; French = Que d'eau, que d'eau ; Italian = Ghiaccio; Spanish = Icebergs; } [28 X 28 Landless. Lots of sunken ships.] { German = 28 X 28 Kein Land, viele versunkene Schiffe.; French = 28 X 28 Pas de terre mais beaucoup d'épaves.; Italian = 28 X 28 Molte navi affondate.; Spanish = 28 X 28 No hay masas terrestres, muchos barcos hundidos.; }
[john's pass] { German = Johns Paß; French = Le Canal de John; Italian = Il passo di John; Spanish = El Pase de John; } [10 X 15 Follow the river up the middle, if you dare!] { German = 10 X 15 Der Fluß führt zur Mitte.; French = 10 X 15 Remontez le fleuve jusqu'au centre de la carte, si vous l'osez !; Italian = 10 X 15 Percorrete il fiume nel centro, se ne avete il coraggio!; Spanish = 10 X 15 Sigue el río hasta la mitad ¡si es que puedes!; }
[lake shore] { German = Seeufer; French = Les Pavés et la Plage; Italian = Riva del lago; Spanish = La Orilla del Lago; } [13 X 7 Large lake with islands in the middle.] { German = 13 X 7 Großer See mit Insel in der Mitte.; French = 13 X 7 Un immense lac, des îles au centre.; Italian = 13 X 7 Grande lago con isole nel mezzo.; Spanish = 13 X 7 Gran lago con islas en el centro.; }
[luschaven] { German = Hafen von Lusch; French = Aires de repos sur Lusch; Italian = Luschaven; Spanish = Luschaven; } [17 X 16 Battle for control of dry land.] { German = 17 X 16 Kampf um die Kontrolle über das trockene Land.; French = 17 X 16 Bataille pour le contrôle des terres sèches.; Italian = 17 X 16 Battaglia per il controllo della terraferma.; Spanish = 17 X 16 Batalla por el control de tierra firme.; }
[lusch puppy] { German = Konflikt auf Lusch; French = Mini-Lusch; Italian = Lusch; Spanish = Pequeño Lusch; } [11 X 7 Small map divided by grand mountains.] { German = 11 X 7 Große Berge durchziehen diese kleine Karte.; French = 11 X 7 Petite carte divisée par de grandes montagnes. ; Italian = 11 X 7 Piccola mappa divisa da grandi montagne.; Spanish = 11 X 7 Pequeño mapa dividido por grandes montañas.; }
[moon quartet] { German = Mondquartett; French = La face cachée de la Lune; Italian = Quartetto lunare; Spanish = El Cuarteto de la Luna; } [20 X 20 Great map for team play. Light side vs. dark side.] { German = 20 X 20 Karte für Teamspiele. Die helle Seite gegen die Dunkle Seite.; French = 20 X 20 Une super carte pour des parties par équipe.; Italian = 20 X 20 Per il gioco di squadra: faccia visibile vs. faccia oscura.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Buen mapa para jugar en equipo.; }
[mounds of mars] { German = Die Berge des Mars; French = Le rugby martien; Italian = Colline su Marte; Spanish = Montes de Marte; } [8 X 17 For more than two players, play teams, North vs. South.] { German = 8 X 17 Nord gegen Süd. Bilden Sie Teams bei mehr als zwei Spielern.; French = 8 X 17 Pour un véritable jeu par équipe, Nord contre Sud.; Italian = 8 X 17 Per più di due giocatori, si gioca a squadre, Nord vs. Sud.; Spanish = 8 X 17 Para más de dos, jugar en equipo. Norte vs. Sur.; }
[ooooweeee] { German = Ooowweee; French = Tous pour Un, Chacun pour Soi; Italian = Ooowwweeee; Spanish = Ooowweee; } [19 X 19 Nine islands of love and understanding. Let's hug.] { German = 19 X 19 Neun Inseln der Liebe und des Verständnisses.; French = 19 X 19 9 îles d'amour et de compassion. Embrassons-nous !; Italian = 19 X 19 Nove isole di amore e comprensione. Abbracciatevi.; Spanish = 19 X 19 Nueve islas de amor y comprensión. ¡Qué bonito!; }
[pillopeens] { German = Inselgrupppen; French = Duel à Total Corral; Italian = Isole Pillopeen; Spanish = Pillopeens; } [17 X 27 Island-hopping map.] { German = 17 X 27 Inselhüpfen.; French = 17 X 27 Progressez île par île.; Italian = 17 X 27 Da un'isola all'altra.; Spanish = 17 X 27 Las islas serán tu esperanza.; }
[plains and passes] { German = Ebenen und Pässe; French = Plaines et canyons; Italian = Pianure e passi; Spanish = Llanuras y Pasajes; } [20 X 20 Large map with lots of metal.] { German = 20 X 20 Große Karte mit viel Metall.; French = 20 X 20 Vaste carte avec de nombreux gisements de métaux. ; Italian = 20 X 20 Grande mappa con molto metallo.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Mapa grande con mucho metal.; }
[polar range] { German = Polargegend; French = Banquise Polaire; Italian = Zona polare; Spanish = Línea Polar; } [20 X 20 Large polar ice cap map. A bleak and forbidding world.] { German = 20 X 20 Große Polarkarte - rauhe und verbotene Welt.; French = 20 X 20 Vaste carte de banquise, un monde sinistre et hostile.; Italian = 20 X 20 Grande mappa ricoperta di ghiaccio. Un mondo oscuro.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Gran mapa de hielos polares, un mundo desierto y prohibido.; }
[polyp fields] { German = Polypenfeld; French = En rangs par Quatre; Italian = Polipi; Spanish = Campos de Pólipos; } [27 X 22 Large geometric polyps litter this battlefield.] { German = 27 X 22 Große geometrische Polypen verunreinigen dieses Schlachtfeld.; French = 27 X 22 Un champ de bataille géométrique.; Italian = 27 X 22 Grandi polipi caratterizzano il campo di battaglia.; Spanish = 27 X 22 Enormes pólipos repartidos por el campo de batalla.; }
[red river] { German = Red River; French = La Rivière Rouge; Italian = Il fiume rosso; Spanish = Río Rojo; } [21 X 30 Large river separates two land masses.] { German = 21 X 30 Großer Fluß teilt zwei Landmassen.; French = 21 X 30 Un grand fleuve sépare deux continents. ; Italian = 21 X 30 Un grande fiume separa due masse di terra.; Spanish = 21 X 30 Un enorme río separa dos masas terrestres.; }
[red river north] { German = Der Norden des Red River; French = En amont de la Rivière Rouge; Italian = A nord del fiume rosso; Spanish = Río Rojo del Norte; } [21 X 14 Smaller segment of Red River.] { German = 21 X 14 Kleinerer Teil des Red Rivers.; French = 21 X 14 Une portion de la rivière rouge.; Italian = 21 X 14 Piccolo segmento del fiume rosso.; Spanish = 21 X 14 Un trozo más pequeño del Río Rojo.; }
[ror shock] { German = Große Überraschung; French = Chocs à gogo; Italian = Shock; Spanish = Sufre un shock; } [26 X 26 Ocean Battles are a must for this fine map. Big surprise in center!] { German = 26 X 26 Karte für Wasserschlachten. Große Überraschung in der Mitte.; French = 26 X 26 Des batailles maritimes pour un paquet-surprise au centre !; Italian = 26 X 26 Battaglie sull'oceano e grossa sorpresa al centro.; Spanish = 26 X 26 Las batallas marítimas son una obligación. ¡Sorpresa en el centro!; }
[sail away] { German = Segeltörn; French = Hissez les voiles; Italian = Salpate!; Spanish = Navegando; } [12 X 20 High winds sweep these islands.] { German = 12 X 20 Starke Winde fegen über die Inseln.; French = 12 X 20 Des vents violents balaient ces îles.; Italian = 12 X 20 Forti venti spazzano le tre isole.; Spanish = 12 X 20 Fuertes vientos barren las islas.; }
[sector 410b] { German = Sektor 410B; French = Secteur 410B; Italian = Settore 410B; Spanish = Sector 410B; } [25 X 22 Large mountains with narrow passes.] { German = 25 X 22 Hohe Berge mit schmalen Passagen.; French = 25 X 22 De hautes montagnes avec des ravins étroits.; Italian = 25 X 22 Grandi montagne con stretti passaggi.; Spanish = 25 X 22 Enormes montañas con pasajes estrechos.; }
[show down] { German = Die Entscheidung; French = La Confrontation; Italian = Prava di forza; Spanish = El Encuentro; } [11 X 5 Meet in the middle.] { German = 11 X 5 Treffen Sie sich in der Mitte.; French = 11 X 5 Rencontre au sommet; Italian = 11 X 5 Incontratevi nel mezzo.; Spanish = 11 X 5 Encuentra en el centro al enemigo.; }
[slate gordon] { German = Holprige Schlacht; French = Epongez vos Ardoises; Italian = Pianura Gordon; Spanish = Este contra Oeste; } [23 X 15 Great map for east/west rivalries. Earthquakes.] { German = 23 X 15 Karte für Ost-/West-Rivalitäten. Erdbeben.; French = 23 X 15 Choisissez votre camp: Est ou Ouest? Tremblements de terre.; Italian = 23 X 15 Grandiosa mappa per battaglie est/ovest. Terremoti.; Spanish = 23 X 15 Buen mapa para rivales en lados opuestos. Terremotos.; }
[slated fate] { German = Slate; French = Les Ardoises du Destin ; Italian = Destino perduto; Spanish = El Destino de la Pizarra; } [7 x 12 Search for metal in crevices.] { German = 7 X 12 Metallsuche in den Rissen und Spalten.; French = 7 X 12 Attrapez le métal dans les crevasses. Pas besoin d'épuisette. ; Italian = 7 X 12 Cercate il metallo nei crepacci.; Spanish = 7 X 12 Busca el metal en las grietas.; }
[steel jungle] { German = Stahldschungel; French = Dans l'Enfer de la Ville; Italian = Giungla di metallo; Spanish = Jungla de Acero; } [20 x 10 Wake up and smell the coffee with the Morning War Show.] { German = 20 X 10 Stadtpanorama mit vielen Recyclingobjekten; French = 20 X 10 Le quotidien du citadin moderne : coups de feu, violence !; Italian = 20 x 10 Svegliatevi e annusate il profumo della guerra.; Spanish = 20 X 10 Despierta y huele el café con el Show de la Guerra Matutino.; }
[surface meltdown] { German = Geschmolzene Oberfläche; French = Confusion Nucléaire; Italian = Superficie dissestata; Spanish = La superficie se derrite; } [15 X 17 Bumps, bumps, and more bumps.] { German = 15 X 17 Hügel, Hügel und nochmals Hügel.; French = 15 X 17 Des bosses, des bosses et encore des bosses.; Italian = 15 X 17 Balzi, balzi e di nuovo balzi.; Spanish = 15 X 17 Baches, baches y más baches.; }
[temblorian mist] { German = Begenung im Nebel; French = Brouillard sur Temblor; Italian = Nebbie Tembloriane; Spanish = Misterio en Temblor; } [12 X 15 Make your way around the edges or fly across the center.] { German = 12 X 15 Wege außen herum - Flüge über das Zentrum.; French = 12 X 15 Frayez-vous un passage par les côtés ou volez vers le centre.; Italian = 12 X 15 Fatevi strada sul bordo, o volate attraverso il centro.; Spanish = 12 X 15 Ábrete paso por las cornisas o vuela hacia el centro.; }
[the barrier reef] { German = Das Barrier-Riff; French = La Tête sous l'Eau; Italian = La scogliera; Spanish = La Barrera de Coral; } [19 X 19 Body of water separates two land masses. Great underwater starts!] { German = 19 X 19 Wasser teilt zwei Landmassen. Start unter Wasser.; French = 19 X 19 De super bases à construire sous un océan entre deux continents. ; Italian = 19 X 19 Distese d'acqua separano due masse di terra.; Spanish = 19 X 19 El agua separa dos masas de tierra. ¡Buen comienzo submarino!; }
[the bayou] { German = Die Lagune; French = Le Bayou; Italian = La baia; Spanish = El Pantano; } [20 X 20 Strong currents rush through this Bayou.] { German = 20 X 20 Starke Strömungen herrschen in dieser Lagune.; French = 20 X 20 Des courants violents agitent le Bayou. ; Italian = 20 X 20 Forti correnti movimentano la baia.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Corrientes fuertes en este enorme pantano.; }
[town & country] { German = Stadt & Land; French = Citadins contre Paysans ; Italian = Città & campagna; Spanish = Ciudad y Campo; } [17 X 17 Urban vs. rural.] { German = 17 X 17 Städter gegen Landbevölkerung.; French = 17 X 17 Citadins contre Paysans .; Italian = 17 X 17 Urbano vs. rurale.; Spanish = 17 X 17 Urbanos vs. Rurales.; }
[trout farm] { German = Forellenzucht; French = A la pêche aux Truites; Italian = Allevamento di trote; Spanish = Piscifactoría; } [15 X 15 Watch out for the sinkhole in the middle.] { German = 15 X 15 Tiefes Loch in der Mitte.; French = 15 X 15 Attention au siphon central. ; Italian = 15 X 15 Attenzione alla buca nel centro.; Spanish = 15 X 15 Ten cuidado con el agujero del centro.; }
// Download Maps [cloudious prime] { German = Cloudious Prime; French = Ciel nuageux; Italian = Nuvole primordiali; Spanish = Mundo Nuboso; } [20 X 20 Island in the clouds with giant canyon. Absurd wind.] { German = 20 X 20 Insel in den Wolken mit riesigen Canyons. Heftiger Wind.; French = 20 X 20 Une île dans les nuages, un grand canyon, un vent terrible.; Italian = 20 X 20 Un'isola nel mezzo delle nuvole con un canyon gigante. Vento assurdo.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Isla en las nubes con cañón gigante. Mucho viento.; }
// Battle Tactics Maps
[aqua verdigris] { German = Wasser-Grünspan; French = Aqua Verdigris; Italian = Aqua Verdigris; Spanish = Pesadilla acuática; } [12 x 12 Fighting around rings of Dragon's Teeth.] { German = 12 X 12 Kampf in einem Ring aus Panzersperren; French = 12 X 12 Devenez le Seigneur des Anneaux des Dents de Dragon.; Italian = 12 X 12 Combattimento intorno alle spirali dei Denti del Drago.; Spanish = 12 X 12 Lucha alrededor de círculos de dispositivos Dragon's Teeth.; }
[brilliant cut lake] { German = Formschöner See; French = Lac Artificiel étincelant; Italian = Battaglia sul lago; Spanish = Lago Brillante; } [15 X 15 Fighting around a large lake.] { German = 15 X 15 Kampf rund um einen großen See.; French = 15 X 15 Bataille autour d'une vaste étendue d'eau.; Italian = 15 X 15 Combattimento intorno a un lago.; Spanish = 15 X 15 Lucha alrededor de un gran lago.; }
[canal crossing] { German = Kanalüberquerung; French = Franchissez les canaux; Italian = Attraverso i canali; Spanish = Cruzando el canal; } [16 X 17 Four land masses separated by canals.] { German = 16 X 17 Vier Landmassen, getrennt durch Kanäle.; French = 16 X 17 Quatre continents séparés par des canaux.; Italian = 16 X 17 Quattro territori separati da canali.; Spanish = 16 X 17 Cuatro continentes separados por canales.; }
[metal gridlock] { German = Metallene Sperren; French = Entrelacs de métal; Italian = Griglia metallica; Spanish = Atasco metálico; } [20 X 20 Five squares interlock to create defensive forts.] { German = 20 X 20 Fünf Quadrate bilden ein Verteidigungsfort.; French = 20 X 20 Cinq blocs se mêlent pour former des position défensives.; Italian = 20 X 20 Cinque riquadri combinati per creare un fortino.; Spanish = 20 X 20 Cuatro cuadrados se entrelazan para crear fuertes defensivos.; }
[wretched ridges] { German = Scheußliche Bergkämme; French = Corniches de l'Enfer; Italian = Pendii scoscesi; Spanish = Colinas malditas; } [12 X 12 High ridges protect defensive areas. Light forest.] { German = 12 X 12 Hohe Bergkämme schützen die Gegend. Lichter Wald.; French = 12 X 12 De hautes falaises protègent de vastes zones. Forêt clairsemée.; Italian = 12 X 12 Alti pendii proteggono le aree difensive. Foresta rada.; Spanish = 12 X 12 Grandes colinas protegen áreas defensivas. Bosque poco frondoso.; }
[coremageddon] { German = Cormageddon; French = Coremageddon; Italian = Coremageddon; Spanish = Coremageddon; } [13 X 20 Set up ambushes in this Core Prime maze.] { German = 13 X 20 Labyrinth auf Core Prime. Gut für Hinterhalte.; French = 13 X 20 Embuscades dans le labyrinthe de Core Prime.; Italian = 13 X 20 Preparate le vostre imboscate in questo vero labirinto Core.; Spanish = 13 X 20 Emboscadas en este laberinto del Núcleo.; }
Voilà, voilà, un bon petit poste comme on les aime, ou pas. D'autres questions ?