1 016
TA Zone
8 oct. 2004 16:44
Sinon je suis allé faire un tour sur la partie replay , c'est vrai que leur commentaire sont, comment dire, on sent tout de suite dans quelle partie de la communauté de TA ça ce situe.
Extrait :
i didn't know you spelt dickhead "FML"
basically these two cunts think its funny they cheat, the blue faggot hacks to instabuild, one can only take a guess since they are really shit even with cheating that they must be a couple 187s, and i dont give a fuck who i accuse, you can get bent niggers. ven gets a double and dies, wouldn't have happened in a normal game because the fuck had tons of flash, so his marks are equal to silencers, who raped these two bitches like a madman, props nig, props. its kinda funny when the blue faggot rejects silencer right as hes about to rape him and goes "why u quit, jeez" - translation, you are gay and if you play me ill get your ip and just let people run a cyber train on your comp until your monitor explodes in your face coon. not really, but that would be funny to see.
J'aurais pas cru qu'il soit possible de mettre autant d'insulte, de haine, et de grossiéreté dans une description de .tad !
Sinon, je vois pas trop l'intérêt de faire un tableau de score qui prend autant de place quand c'est pour mettre :
Players Unit Control Decision Building Teamplay Overall 1. Weasel 10 10 10 10 2. TAG_Irrelevant_Imposter 0 0 0 0 3. 0 0 0 0 4. 0 0 0 0 5. 0 0 0 0 6. 0 0 0 0 7. 0 0 0 0 8. 0 0 0 0