"Zolan" <StudioB@(nospam)beeb.net> looked up from reading the entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs say:
<BigSnip!> >Hmmm, things get more complex...So, is the failing of the "self" multiplayer >in 1.11 something only you are affected by or is that just the general >result of the patch?
I really don't know, since I never went looking for reasons WHY it happened. The one thing I'm thinking is that the patch couldn't back something up that it wanted to (it may require an old copy for certain things) since the patch requires something like 1.2gig of HD space. 1.2 Gig of game +1.2 gig of patch = an amount bigger than the 2 gig partition size.
You can patch anyway and not have the backup thing done, but I'm thinking it's failing somehow. If you have the room, then maybe there's no problem.
Or it's maybe as simple as everyone else running the 1.1 patch (downloaded when it came out) whereas I'm stuck with the 1.11 patch since I'd stopped playing when 1.1 came out.
>That's a bummer when all the neat suff is meant for >1.11. Due to download times 'm on v1.0. I've just got the light sabre and >I'm having fun...This game mod thing must be quite creative, I really would >like to give it a try, but do you need to be a programer to handle it?
I really don't know, since I never got into mod making.
There's an official editor you can download, and some guides. In addition there's a few sites around that are devoted to mod making and have other user made guides for download as well as forums for you to ask questions in.
I think I tried the lightsaber mod once, but didn't care for it much (I'm not a huge Star Wars fan), but there are various other I do use. Backpack (doubles backpack size, which is very handy since you can't hire a packmule in multiplayer and i'm playing solo.)
NiceUIMod (removes the gray bar from the screen and the two bottles on the bottom left - I know I never clicked on those to drink potions, I just hit the hotkeys)
Nolvl (which removes the "you're not big enough to start here/be here" nonsense - since I was consistently walking into places that the programmers felt I couldn't be in yet.)
There's a couple viewpoint related ones i've tried (Seefar and Nivisec_View_100) both of which let you see farther and change the camera angle more. -Nivisec even lets you look upward.)
Xocyll -- I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably, Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So FOAGCIPPEDI. -- Mike Andrews responding to an idiot in asr