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Sujet: une belle mentalité une nouvelle fois révélée ...
Réponses: 5   Pages: 1   Dernier Message: 31 oct. 2001 00:15 par: Pryo

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Messages: 1 200
De: Caen
Inscrit: 02/10/24
une belle mentalité une nouvelle fois révélée ...
Publié: 31 oct. 2001 00:15
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simple obervateur sur tspec je suis sur le channel admin de la lfjr ... je vois nils qui a l'air de discuter tout seul ... mais non son dialogue est entrecoupé de quelques onomatopées de guiom ... d'ailleurs étant parti manger je découvre après un carambar que je ne saurai nommé ... le log que voici ... je vous laisse aprécier le comportement de Nils qui fait toujours dans le très fort ... après la motivation de pour que gate aille parasiter un autre serveur ... le voila qui se m'est à insulter qq1 qui n'est pas la et qui se retrouve shut downé après coup ...

bonne lecture ... celui est court :)

23:48:07] *** Connected to
[23:48:07] *** Spectating as Xav
[23:48:07] <Server>
[23:48:07] <Server> - ------------------------------------------------
[23:48:07] <Server> - Welcome to Playback service! for gtetrinet/tspec
[23:48:07] <Server> - /help for command help
[23:48:08] <Server> - ------------------------------------------------
[23:48:08] *** Now Spectating in #spectators
[23:48:08] #spectators: Xav
[23:48:10] <Server> Channel &nbsp;&nbsp;Joueur(s)
[23:48:10] <Server> [#Bienvenue1] nils TekiLa Sedrilo Joe| batsun.
[23:48:10] <Server> [#Bienvenue2] trihanhcie Togeole lierre zworg Nickool
[23:48:10] <Server> [#MultiDuel] Antto. kukrapoc_bazza ->¦<-Anne->¦<- Dracul-san
[23:48:10] <Server> Nous sommes le: Oct 30 22:57:43 et 14 joueurs sont connectés.
[23:48:18] <Server> Your security level is now: AUTHENTICATED OP
[23:48:22] *** nils is Now Playing in position 1
[23:48:22] *** nils is now Alone
[23:48:22] *** TekiLa is Now Playing in position 3
[23:48:22] *** TekiLa is now Alone
[23:48:22] *** Sedrilo is Now Playing in position 6
[23:48:22] *** Sedrilo is Now on Team TetriMasters
[23:48:22] *** Joe| is Now Playing in position 4
[23:48:22] *** Joe| is now Alone
[23:48:22] *** batsun. is Now Playing in position 2
[23:48:22] *** batsun. is now Alone
[23:48:22] *** Now Spectating in #bienvenue1
[23:48:22] #bienvenue1: winston_Smith RaGe Zorro Chuteuh Chronoss MaFieu Xav
[23:48:23] <nils> le []
[23:48:25] *** Sedrilo has Left position 6
[23:48:56] <batsun.> bah moi j'ai pas le kill..c déjà sa...
[23:48:57] <batsun.> lol
[23:49:04] *** trihanhcie is Now Playing in position 5
[23:49:04] *** trihanhcie is Now on Team WhiteCristal
[23:49:20] <batsun.> héhé
[23:49:22] <batsun.> mhh
[23:49:35] <trihanhcie> ?
[23:50:04] <trihanhcie> bon bon bon
[23:50:07] <Server> trihanhcie has joined channel #Bienvenue2
[23:50:07] *** trihanhcie has Left position 5
[23:50:21] *** RaGe has Left the Spectator's Corner
[23:50:36] <Server> nils has joined channel #Admins
[23:50:36] *** nils has Left position 1
[23:50:48] *** TekiLa has Left position 3
[23:50:48] *** Joe| has Left position 4
[23:50:48] *** batsun. has Left position 2
[23:50:48] *** nils is Now Playing in position 1
[23:50:48] *** nils is now Alone
[23:50:48] *** Now Spectating in #admins
[23:50:48] #admins: Xav
[23:50:51] <Server> 1: nils []
[23:51:09] <Server> { [Guiom] } moui ?
[23:51:11] *** nils has Left position 1
[23:51:11] *** TekiLa is Now Playing in position 3
[23:51:11] *** TekiLa is now Alone
[23:51:11] *** Joe| is Now Playing in position 4
[23:51:11] *** Joe| is now Alone
[23:51:11] *** batsun. is Now Playing in position 2
[23:51:11] *** batsun. is now Alone
[23:51:11] *** Now Spectating in #bienvenue1
[23:51:11] #bienvenue1: winston_Smith Zorro Chuteuh Chronoss MaFieu Xav
[23:51:16] *** TekiLa has Left position 3
[23:51:16] *** Joe| has Left position 4
[23:51:16] *** batsun. has Left position 2
[23:51:16] *** nils is Now Playing in position 1
[23:51:16] *** nils is now Alone
[23:51:16] *** Now Spectating in #admins
[23:51:16] #admins: Xav
[23:51:32] <nils> guiom
[23:51:38] <Server> { [Guiom] } oui ?
[23:51:39] <nils> qui est en adslturboline
[23:51:41] *** Chuteuh is Now Spectating
[23:51:46] *** Zorro is Now Spectating
[23:51:46] <nils> sorry pour tout a lheure
[23:51:51] <nils> je suis assez vener
[23:51:54] <Server> { [Guiom] } je vois ça
[23:51:56] <nils> de ce con qui kill depuis qq jours
[23:53:21] *** Zorro has Left the Spectator's Corner
[23:53:22] <Server> Spectator Zorro joined #tiduel
[23:53:28] *** Chuteuh has Left the Spectator's Corner
[23:53:28] <Server> Spectator Chuteuh joined #nvenue1
[23:54:02] <Server> Channel &nbsp;&nbsp;Joueur(s)
[23:54:02] <Server> [#Bienvenue1] trihanhcie Sedrilo TekiLa Joe| batsun.
[23:54:02] <Server> [#Duel2] zworg lierre
[23:54:02] <Server> [#MultiDuel] Antto. kukrapoc_bazza ->¦<-Anne->¦<- Dracul-san
[23:54:02] <Server> [#Admins] nils
[23:54:02] <Server> Nous sommes le: Oct 30 23:03:35 et 12 joueurs sont connectés.
[00:05:23] *** RoNcERoUgE is Now Spectating
[00:05:52] <nils> ok
[00:05:54] <nils> xav pd
[00:06:02] *** Server has Shut Down
[00:50:08] *** Connected to
[00:50:08] *** Spectating as Xav
[00:50:08] <Server>
[00:50:08] <Server> - ------------------------------------------------
[00:50:08] <Server> - Welcome to Playback service! for gtetrinet/tspec
[00:50:08] <Server> - /help for command help
[00:50:08] <Server> - ------------------------------------------------
[00:50:08] *** Now Spectating in #spectators
[00:50:08] #spectators: Xav
[00:50:14] <Server> Your security level is now: AUTHENTICATED OP
[00:50:17] <Server> Channel &nbsp;&nbsp;Joueur(s)
[00:50:17] <Server> [#Bienvenue1] trihanhcie xaxaxa
[00:50:17] <Server> [#Bienvenue2] suzetttte Gunnm
[00:50:17] <Server> [#Duel2] lierre zworg
[00:50:17] <Server> [#MultiDuel] kukrapoc_bazza
[00:50:17] <Server> Nous sommes le: Oct 30 23:59:50 et 7 joueurs sont connectés.
[00:50:31] *** Disconnected from Server

Voila à la prochaine ^^


Messages: 60
Inscrit: 02/10/24
la vérité si je mens !
Publié: 31 oct. 2001 01:12
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C'est bien Xav

Tu veux mon log avec les ips ?

*** Notice -- killed nils (requested by (telnet))
(2eme fois killé sans raison) *** Notice -- (telnet) ( is now a server operator(O) *** Notice -- killed nils (requested by []) *** Signoff: [] (

/whois Xav

Xav is * spectator client
Xav on @#admins
Xav using Tetrinet Server
Xav End of /WHOIS list.

-> Server: kill xav
- *** Notice -- killed Xav (requested by blah)

Marrant comme les deux ips se ressemblent.
Maintenant on sait qui est qui dans l'histoire.


Messages: 64
Inscrit: 02/10/24
je devrais etre deçu la non ??? ......
Publié: 31 oct. 2001 10:57
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g pas tout compris la.......

serais-ce Xav qui Kill ?
et Nils qui riposte??

C le Bordel

On peux pas faire un voyage dans le temps
et revenir en 1999 ....

sans déconner je commence à croire que je suis entouré de tetriterroristes


Messages: 60
Inscrit: 02/10/24
tous à la plage à poil en asie loin de tout !
Publié: 31 oct. 2001 12:26
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ba si on reviens en 1999 je serais pas a la lfjr alors pa ok
Publié: 31 oct. 2001 12:54
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Messages: 64
Inscrit: 02/10/24
LoL g compris la ... tssss toi t'en sais trop ;)
Publié: 31 oct. 2001 23:12
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